Aircraft Supplier Summit 2022: Deutsche Aircraft selects further suppliers for the D328eco: Secondary structures, interiors and simulator

Deutsche Aircraft is a partner of this year's Aircraft Supplier Summit in Leipzig, the future production site of the D328eco™. This aviation industry symposium is an opportunity to build a network of like-minded partners from different business sectors, academia and politics to establish a sustainable ecosystem of the future. For the further development of the D328eco programme it is essential to grow our regional footprint.

Deutsche Aircraft is pleased to announce the selection of further key suppliers based on their time-to-market capabilities, supply chain resilience, sustainability across the life-cycle of the product and economic reality. These include: Bucher Leichtbau AG, Elbe Flugzeugwerke and Reiser Simulation and Training.
Deutsche Aircraft has selected Bucher Leichtbau AG for the galley and partitions for the D328eco cabin. The companies today signed a General Terms Agreement (GTA). Since the beginning of discussions, Bucher has shown a clear understanding of our requirements. Their decades-long know-how regarding cabin interior monuments and lightweight construction whilst being open-minded regarding innovation and the brilliant finishing quality on the product makes them the perfect partner for the galley and partitions for the D328eco.

Deutsche Aircraft and Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) agreed on the supply of floor panels for the D328eco fuselage which will be designed by Deutsche Aircraft. EFW is headquartered in Dresden and therefore at proximity to Deutsche Aircraft’s future Final Assembly Line (FAL), supporting local industrial capabilities to deliver on the D328eco programme. The competence of EFW as an experienced global industry player enables Deutsche Aircraft to combine the engineering excellence of the D328® with modern manufacturing processes to achieve an attractive and competitive product.

Deutsche Aircraft is pleased to announce the cooperation with Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH [Reiser] to accelerate and proactively participate in the flight test campaign and certification for the D328eco. In direct support to this, Reiser will develop and provide the D328eco Engineering Cockpit Simulator, a fully instrumented flight deck connected to a high-fidelity aircraft simulation. The Engineering Simulator is therefore a key asset in the aircraft development programme and will provide the ability to test key system functions and aircraft characteristics in a safe and virtual environment. Reiser, based near Munich, is a leading provider of high-performance flight simulators and maintenance trainers. Deutsche Aircraft is proud of this newest development of the D328eco Engineering Simulator.
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