Deutsche Aircraft continues its growth as a leading OEM in aviation. Innovation, sustainability and sound business practices are the pillars of our business processes. The procurement organisation aims at the highest standards with regards to labour, human rights, environmental and ethical conduct, and ensures its business practices conform to applicable laws and regulations in key business areas. Emphasising our reputation for responsibility, integrity and sustainability, Deutsche Aircraft requires an unwavering commitment to responsible business practices and sustainable development by all of our suppliers, cascading across the supply chain.

Deutsche Aircraft landing


Representing our values and principles, this Supplier Code of Conduct defines Deutsche Aircraft’s standards for business dealings with suppliers. It thereby applies to all non-Deutsche Aircraft companies that supply goods and/or services to Deutsche Aircraft. Accordingly, suppliers are expected to implement these principles throughout their own supply chain and to communicate them to any affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors involved in business with Deutsche Aircraft.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct


Deutsche Aircraft is working with partners and authorities to find solutions regarding the evaluation, authorisation, and reduction of chemicals in aviation.
For more information, click here.

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