The virtual flight experience for the D328eco takes off at Deutsche Aircraft

Wessling, 29 November 2023 – The Deutsche Aircraft team successfully completed its integration test campaign with a virtual first flight in the brand-new, state-of-the-art engineering simulator. This simulator has been developed and built in partnership with Reiser Simulation and Training as well as Garmin – the supplier of the flight deck – and will provide further insights into the flight characteristics of the innovative 40-seater turboprop.
This is a key milestone for Deutsche Aircraft in the development of the D328eco. The engineering simulator will allow the flight test team to perform an early evaluation of systems, cockpit ergonomics and aircraft behaviour, which will serve as a baseline for overall customer feedback. This feedback will help the team to design the D328eco so it will correspond better to customer expectations as well as enable early risk mitigations.
“The introduction of the first engineering simulator is an important milestone in the development of the D328eco,” says Nico Neumann, COO at Deutsche Aircraft. “This device shows, once more, what is possible with a shared vison, strong partnerships and good collaboration. It clearly demonstrates our capability at Deutsche Aircraft to design and built complex simulation systems.”
“This device is a fundamental element of our test strategy for the D328eco,” adds Tim Otte, Director of Flight and Integration Tests. “It provides early testing capability with the pilot in the loop, and as such, helps to ensure early system maturity. For our flight test activities, it will pave the way for an efficient, safe and environmentally friendly test campaign.”
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